Race Plans for 2015

I’m linking up with Patty from My No-Guilt Life, Erika from MCM Mama Runs, and April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere for Tuesdays on the Run. This week’s topic is 2015 Race Plans.

race plans 2015

So far, I have my races planned through May and then one in September.

January: Frigid 5k. This is a small local race to get everyone motivated. I’ve never run it, but it’ll be a good experience, I’m sure.

February: Hale Freezes Over 5k or 10k. I’m not sure whether I’ll be running the 5k or the 10k, but I’ve run the race before. It’s put on by the Hale Center Theater, and all participants receive free show tickets in their swag. Pretty sweet, right? There’s delicious food at the start and finish, and it really just feels like a family event. 🙂 I can’t say enough good things about this race. And I’m running it with a lot of the Blister Sisters! We haven’t run a race together in a really long time, so that will be great!

Blister Sisters!
Blister Sisters at Moab’s Winter Sun 10k!

March: Rex Lee Run 5k or 10k. This is an annual local race that’s celebrating its 30th anniversary. This will be my third time running the race. It features a good course, a great price, and a huge raffle at the end. All in all, a great choice for me.

See? We do run together sometimes!
See? We do run together sometimes! Me and the Engineer

April: Pink Series 10k. This is an all-women race in a neighboring town. I’ve never run one of the Pink Series races, but I’m excited about it.

May: My first half marathon of the year! I’m still trying to decide which half to run, but I’m leaning toward a smaller race, the Alpine Half, on May 23–or my town’s local race, the Provo City Half Marathon, which is larger but earlier in the month (May 2).

– – No idea for June through August – – I’ll get back to you on that.

Then, of course, the Dumbo Double Dare the first week of September! Woo! Looking forward to this.

Fast forward to November. I’d really like to run my marathon in November, but I’m waiting on choosing one until I know where we’ll be living at that time.

I'm ready to #race in 2015! What are your race plans? @frenchfryrunner #running #goals Share on X

What race are you most looking forward to this year? Anyone in Utah running any of these races?

See my other races/recaps here.

Earth Day 10k Recap

Blister Sisters!

Today I ran the Earth Day 10k in South Jordan, Utah–once again with our Blister Sisters posse. None of us had ever run around that city before, so we didn’t know what was in store for us. And I’m sure none of us were expecting a LOT of hills . . . and rain . . . and more hills . . . and wind. It really wasn’t too bad, though, because I’d rather run under cloudy skies and in cold weather than under cloudless skies and in blistering heat. But I’m getting ahead of myself . . .

Earth Day 10k
What is up with my foot?

I wanted to run this race smart, not go out too fast, and stick to a one-mile-run, one-minute-walk strategy. I think I did all of those things well, though I think I went out a little too fast. Not too bad, though. The first two miles were fine and flat, but right around mile 2.5, we started going uphill, then uphill some more, then kind of flat, then uphill again, then up and across a pedestrian bridge over the highway, then it was kind of downhill, then we went uphill again . . . Seeing a trend here? Anyway, we finished an uphill part, then there was a steep decline–which is where I think I made up some time. Then it was slightly uphill to flat to the finish. I overshot a turn–along with some other runners–and had to backtrack and catch the correct turn. Sigh. I totally could have finished before about 5 more people. Oh well. I finished in 1:03:54 (28th place overall and 11th in the 1-30 age group). A little slower than my first 10k, but I’ll take it considering the ridiculous amount of hills. 🙂 I really do love the 10k distance.

Cute shirt

The race was really small–I’d say like 60-75 runners–which was nice. It meant there was a better chance that a gal in our group would win an age group or a raffle prize. And two of us did–a raffle prize, that is! I won a $20 gift card to a local pizza place, and another Blister Sister won a gift bag from Chik-fil-a. Good times. The finish line food and stuff was really good too. Chik-fil-a breakfast sandwiches, fruit, water, rootbeer, and chocolate chip cookies. The swag bag was also pretty good. Nice tech shirt with a cute design, actually useful coupons and a bulb for a butterfly plant, which I thought was cool since it was an Earth Day race (even though Earth Day is on Monday).

The route was really hilly, but I kind of feel awesome that I ran a good race on hills. The course support was pretty good, though I wish the finish area route were marked a bit better and that the race weren’t so far from home (little over a half hour). I’m only saying the distance thing is a problem because we have like a billion races in my town. All in all, it was a good race, and I’d run it again.

Weekly Recap: November 26-December 1

I got a few great runs in this week! Much better than the nearly two weeks I went with only running 6 miles altogether.

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 4.5 miles

This was the first run I did after getting back from California (I promise I’ll write about the trip soon). My legs pretty much felt like lead, and I just felt out of shape. I guess that’s what only 2 3-mile runs in two weeks will do to you. 🙂

Wednesday: Off

Yeah, I really need to start cross training on my days off. I can’t wait for my Zumba and yoga classes to start up in January.

Thursday: 4.7 miles

This was a great run with one of my BRFs (that’s “best running friend” for those of you who haven’t heard that term yet). We ran at a comfortable pace and sprinted the final bit of the run. It was fun. We were gearing up for the 10K we ran on Saturday.

Friday: Off + physical therapy

Yeah, so I really do have plantar fasciitis, and there’s bunch of scar tissue on the insertion point of the fascia into my heel–hence the shooting pain occasionally. Enter, yet again, the need to do more strength and cross training.

Saturday: Winter Sun 10K in Moab, UT. (6.2 miles) Great race (recap to come soon). I ran this race with a few of my coworkers (we call ourselves the Blister Sisters) and had a blast. There was a killer hill at the beginning of the race that really almost killed us, but we pushed through it. I finished in 1:01:36 (apparently the official time, but according to good ol’ Garmin, it was a few seconds faster).  I really can’t believe I ran that fast. The next goal is sub 1 hour.


Total for the week: 15.42

How were your races this weekend?