It looks like Saucony has provided more bloggers with shoes to give away! Shut Up and Run is giving away a pair of Saucony Guide 5s or Triumph 9s to a lucky winner! Check it out!
Here’s some information on their new technology:
The new models – Guide 5, Triumph 9 and Hurricane 14 – will have a new heel- to-toe offset of 8mm. This is a 33% reduction in the heel-to-toe offset of the average running shoe. This tiny geometric shift just might change running forever…
Triumph 9
This new geometry puts every runner in a more balanced, comfortable and powerful position without reducing cushioning or stability. Also, runners can more easily adjust their stride to a midfoot strike, aligning the lower body to absorb impact. Through extensive testing of different heel to forefoot offsets, Saucony was able to find what they believe is the best geometry for their most popular models. It is a significant development for the running community, as typical running shoes have had 10-12mm drops for the last 20 years.
Don’t forget that you can enter to win on Facebook, too! Just like Saucony here and fill out their form for your chance to win! I love my Saucony Mirages so much, but I can’t wait to try these new shoes!
I’ve been able to run a lot this week! I’m training for a 10k, so I’ve been following a plan to get up to running for 60 minutes straight. This week calls for 10 minutes of running with 1 minute of walking, repeated 4 times. It has worked out really well. I’ve done some hills in my neighborhood, and I think it has helped me a lot. Here’s a great page on Runner’s World all about running hills.
Next week, I’ll be running 15 minutes with 1 minute of walking, repeated 3 times. We’ll see how it goes.
I’m being lazy at posting. I just haven’t been feeling like blogging. I’ve needed a break. I have been running, though, and though I hit a little snag (foot issues in August), I’m feeling pretty good.
Let’s talk about running, shall we?
Anyway, I should probably tell you about the race I ran back in July, the Pioneer Day Fun Run. No chip timing, a really basic cotton T-shirt, and Otter Pops and water at the finish. The race entry was only like $10, so it was fine. We got a coupon to RoadID, though, so I’ll be using that. I ran the race with The Husband (his first race!), so that was pretty special. I ran the first mile with him (9:19), and then had to slow down since I was sucking air . . . I settled into a comfortable pace and was doing okay until my shoe came untied. I stopped, fixed it, then finished the last half of the race. I still managed to improve my time from the Freedom Run 5k with 31:18.47 (according to my GPS), which is about 1:45 faster! I’ll take it.
I took a few weeks off running in August because of some foot pain (too much too soon)–which I think is a direct result of my wearing Old Navy flip-flops–and I’ve been trying to work up to what I was. My new goal is to run a 10k in November. We’ll see! For now, though, I’m just running comfortably!
We're a happy family . . . and I look bald.
On September 10, I ran another 5k (which turned out to be a ~4.25k) to benefit a special needs school. I ran it with The Husband, a brother-in-law, and a sister-in-law. It was pretty fun. The guys (TH and his brother) beat the girls–those long legs–but I think it was just great to run with family! I love that we can get together and run a race.
Then on October 8, I ran the Cougar Run, which was a homecoming 5k for my alma mater. I ran it with a close friend of mine and one of her friends who was running her first 5k (way to go, Maren!). We had so much fun! 🙂 I ended up running it in 39 minutes, but I really ran more than a 5k–more like 3.5-4 miles–because I gave a million high-fives and ran ahead of my friends for a 50m or so and and looped back to run with them, and so on. It was my slowest 5k, but I think I had the most fun. It’s always great to run with friends! 🙂
Don't we look lovely?
Yeah, I don’t really ever look good in pictures, especially those taken after running. It’s just a fact I have to live with. The race was great, though!
I other news, now I’m training for a 10k. It’s been really fun, though it’s dark at 7 a.m. and freezing outside! I might have to go run at an indoor track, which I’m not really looking forward to. Oh well. I feel great, and I’m only running 3 times per week. I’ll increase that at some point, but it’s working for me. I really want to avoid an injury since I’m a beginner.
Speaking of awesome, I ordered a fantastic shirt from! I love that store. It’s hard to not spend all my money there. Right now on Facebook, they’re doing a promotion for 15% off sale priced items! Just like them on their page, and you’ll get the code.
I promise to update more often (for the 2 people that read it). Really!