I’m being lazy at posting. I just haven’t been feeling like blogging. I’ve needed a break. I have been running, though, and though I hit a little snag (foot issues in August), I’m feeling pretty good.
Let’s talk about running, shall we?
Anyway, I should probably tell you about the race I ran back in July, the Pioneer Day Fun Run. No chip timing, a really basic cotton T-shirt, and Otter Pops and water at the finish. The race entry was only like $10, so it was fine. We got a coupon to RoadID, though, so I’ll be using that. I ran the race with The Husband (his first race!), so that was pretty special. I ran the first mile with him (9:19), and then had to slow down since I was sucking air . . . I settled into a comfortable pace and was doing okay until my shoe came untied. I stopped, fixed it, then finished the last half of the race. I still managed to improve my time from the Freedom Run 5k with 31:18.47 (according to my GPS), which is about 1:45 faster! I’ll take it.
I took a few weeks off running in August because of some foot pain (too much too soon)–which I think is a direct result of my wearing Old Navy flip-flops–and I’ve been trying to work up to what I was. My new goal is to run a 10k in November. We’ll see! For now, though, I’m just running comfortably!

On September 10, I ran another 5k (which turned out to be a ~4.25k) to benefit a special needs school. I ran it with The Husband, a brother-in-law, and a sister-in-law. It was pretty fun. The guys (TH and his brother) beat the girls–those long legs–but I think it was just great to run with family! I love that we can get together and run a race.
Then on October 8, I ran the Cougar Run, which was a homecoming 5k for my alma mater. I ran it with a close friend of mine and one of her friends who was running her first 5k (way to go, Maren!). We had so much fun! 🙂 I ended up running it in 39 minutes, but I really ran more than a 5k–more like 3.5-4 miles–because I gave a million high-fives and ran ahead of my friends for a 50m or so and and looped back to run with them, and so on. It was my slowest 5k, but I think I had the most fun. It’s always great to run with friends! 🙂

Yeah, I don’t really ever look good in pictures, especially those taken after running. It’s just a fact I have to live with. The race was great, though!
I other news, now I’m training for a 10k. It’s been really fun, though it’s dark at 7 a.m. and freezing outside! I might have to go run at an indoor track, which I’m not really looking forward to. Oh well. I feel great, and I’m only running 3 times per week. I’ll increase that at some point, but it’s working for me. I really want to avoid an injury since I’m a beginner.
Speaking of awesome, I ordered a fantastic shirt from runningwarehouse.com! I love that store. It’s hard to not spend all my money there. Right now on Facebook, they’re doing a promotion for 15% off sale priced items! Just like them on their page, and you’ll get the code.
I promise to update more often (for the 2 people that read it). Really!
Happy running!