Thoughtful Thursday | Light the Match

Light the Match


As I was looking for a quote to share today, this one stood out a lot to me. For me, to meet my goals, I have to have the right amount of training, which I will hope is enough to succeed when I need to. We all have things we would like to accomplish, and to do so we need we need to think of every training session, every article we read, every visit to physical therapy, and so on as fuel to the fire.

I hope you meet your goals this year and light your match at the right time and succeed like you never thought possible.

How will you light the match this year? Are you running any races? Doing a squat challenge? Swimming a mile? Let me know! 🙂

My Mantra for 2015

I’m linking up with Patty from My No-Guilt Life, Erika from MCM Mama Runs, and April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere for Tuesdays on the Run. This week’s topic is Goals for 2015–but since I already posted on that topic for Friday Five last week, I’m going a different route (pun intended). I’d like to talk about my mantra for the year:

Own the day!

I have some really lofty goals for this year (ahem, a marathon), and I’ve been trying to figure out what can motivate me to get the job done. I’ve always loved collecting quotations from famous people and love to read about others’ mantras, so when I saw this phrase on a bracelet, it stuck with me, and I decided this year I would “own the day” every day. To me, this means that I’ll make every day a positive one, that I’ll work and run hard, meet my goals, and won’t give up. I believe that as I own the day, I’ll feel satisfied with what I’m doing and live positively.

So, how about you? What’s your mantra? How will you own the day this year?
