Thoughtful Thursday: Mere Mortals

Hard Work |


No, we don’t have superpowers. No, most of us aren’t elite athletes. No, most things in life are not given to us. We have to work hard to get ahead in life, in running/fitness–in all our endeavors. Let’s work at our goals, and, little by little, we’ll be rewarded.

No, we don't have superpowers. It's time for Thoughtful Thursday with @FrenchFryRunner Click To Tweet

If you did have a superpower, what would it be?

Who’s your favorite superhero?

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Top 5 All-Time Health and Fitness Decisions

I’ve been thinking about my top health and fitness decisions, and I was surprised how fast this list came to mind. In recent years, I’ve had a better grip on my mental and physical well-being, and I can attribute it to the following five things: (1)

  1. Quitting My Full-Time Job. I had such a hard time at my previous place of employment. I was good at my job and working in a field that I thought I loved, but, really, I didn’t. It didn’t bring me that much happiness or even a sense of accomplishment, and honestly, I became stressed, depressed, and unhealthy because of it (overeating, migraines, etc.). Since I gave up that toxic part of my life, I don’t get migraines, I’m not depressed, and I am so much happier (and I eat better too!).
  2. No Soda. I’ll be honest, this is something that I constantly have to work on because I love Dr Pepper. I used to drink it all the time, but now I only very rarely drink any kind of soda. I just feel better when I stick to water, and the smaller waistline is a bonus.
  3. BodyPUMP. I’m fairly new to this fitness class, but it’s totally my jam. I love to go to class, work hard, and feel empowered after. Now I can do push-ups like they’re no big deal, planks aren’t scary, and, the best part, lifting weights is awesome. If you don’t have a strength routine, I highly encourage you to find one you like. I feel and see myself transforming, and I love it.
  4. Yoga. I love everything about yoga. I can kind of be all over the place, and yoga centers me, helps me set an intention for my day/week/life, and helps me get stronger. I’m so glad I have found a place for yoga in my life.
  5. Running. What started out as a stress-reliever in college has transformed me. I have met wonderful people and have done things I never thought I was capable of doing (half marathons and triathlons and other races). I don’t really know what else to say about running except that I never thought I’d love it and now I don’t know what I’d do without it.

Fit Dish Link-Up


There you have it, my five all-time best health and fitness decisions. This post is linked up with others for The Fit Dish Link-Up. Thanks to Jill Conyers at, & Jessica Joy at for hosting. Be sure to visit their blogs and others in the link-up.

I’m also linking up with April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere, Patty from My No-Guilt Life, and Erika from MCM Mama Runs for Tuesdays on the Run!

Tuesdays on the Run

What are your all-time best health and fitness decisions? 

Do you drink soda?

Have you ever attended a pump class? Would you?

Check out my goals for 2015.

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!

Thoughtful Thursday: Hard Work

Work hard!

This quote really resonates with me. When we don’t work hard toward our goals, we will always come up short, but when we do work hard, we’ll find loads of success. I already am seeing and feeling the results of the goals I set this year, and I know that the harder I work to achieve them, the more success I’ll have and the happier I’ll be.

How hard will you work this year to meet your goals? via @FrenchFryRunner Click To Tweet

How will you achieve your goals this year?

Do you feel lucky?

Are you on Twitter? (Follow me! @FrenchFryRunner)