Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit. I’ve been super busy and/or unmotivated to write. Haha. 🙂 I ran a 5K on Saturday (recap coming soon), which was great. Spoiler: official PR!!
For the Fit Dish Link-Up today, the topic is 5 People You Would Like to Workout with and/or Be Trained By. Here’s my list of awesome people:
- Deena Kastor: Since I saw Spirit of the Marathon, I’ve respected Deena Kastor. I’d love to run with her (on one of her “I’ll run like molasses today” runs) or just train in her facility in Mammoth Lakes, California, with other elites. Also, total bonus that she ran for the University of Arkansas. (I’m from Arkansas.) She seems like a lovely, passionate person, and I’d love to meet her.
- Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell: I pretty much love these two. They are full of life and just love to run and motivate other women. I’d love to run a marathon with Sarah and a triathlon with Dimity. I’ve been listening to their podcast since the beginning, read their books (their new one just came out), and read their blog, Another Mother Runner. Check them out if you haven’t already.
- Amy Poehler and Tina Fey: Because who wouldn’t want to work out with them, let alone just hang out with these best friends? Check out Amy’s dream exercise class here.
- Emily Blunt: Why, yes, she really did do that peacock pose in The Edge of Tomorrow. I’ve read all about her exercise routine, which involves sprints and bleachers and yoga and all kinds of awesome. I’d love to practice yoga with her and just hang out. I’m sure she’s lovely.
- Jillian Michaels: Sure, she’s tough, and she’d probably yell at me, but I think we’d be friends at the end of the workout. I know some people find her annoying, but I don’t really, especially after listening to her podcast. If you haven’t listened to it, you should give her a chance.

Who would you workout with?
This post is linked up with others for The Fit Dish Link-Up. Thanks to Jill Conyers at, & Jessica Joy at for hosting. Be sure to visit their blogs and others in the link-up.