Motivation and the Movies

Motivation and the Movies: 5 Movies to Motivate and Inspire | FrenchFryRunner.comI’ve always been into sports and played organized sports from elementary school through high school–and a bit in college. Because of this, I’ve always enjoyed sports movies. They motivate me to be better, to come from behind, to go to the Olympics! Okay, so that last one probably will never happen, but maybe I can do one more push-up or drag myself out of bed in the morning to exercise. Or maybe I can pick myself up after faceplanting at yet another attempt at crow pose. I picked out a few of my favorite sports movies that have motivated me, and I hope you like them too.




  • MiracleWhen Mike Eruzione said that he played for the USA and not his college team, I teared up. At that moment, you knew the team would come together and become champions.
  • Cool Runnings. Sure, the Jamaican Bobsled Team didn’t win the event, but the fact that they picked up their bobsled and finished the race after it fell apart shows great pride and courage.

  • Rudy. After years of hard work, Rudy finally made it into a game. What a lesson of perseverance!

  • Hoosiers. What a classic. Nuff said.

  • A League of Their OwnI love Dottie Henson. And this scene is one of my favorites. She just has the nonchalant air of someone who knows she’s good but isn’t a snob about it. Haha. I want to be better because of her.

I’m also highly motivated by words and quotes. Here’s one of my favorites:

what lies within us--Emerson

We have so much untapped potential inside ourselves, and we need to unleash that potential every day. We can do it; I know we can. 🙂

What motivates you? #motivation #fitness Share on X

What’s your favorite movie? Mine’s actually My Fair Lady.

What’s your favorite quote?


Fit Dish Link-Up

This post is linked up with others for The Fit Dish Link-Up. Thanks to Jill Conyers at, & Jessica Joy at for hosting. Be sure to visit their blogs and others in the link-up.


Tuesdays on the Run

I’m also linking up with April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere, Patty from My No-Guilt Life, and Erika from MCM Mama Runs for Tuesdays on the Run! Be sure to visit their blogs and others in the link-up.

Try Something New!

Sorry this is posting a bit late! For the Fit Dish Link-up this week, the topic is “Try Something New!”

I like trying new things because you might end up finding something you love. For example, I used to hate running. I played sports way back in high school, so running was a punishment. In college I took up running for exercise because I needed a way to de-stress and I didn’t need any special equipment. I ran nearly every day. I got in great shape and ran my first 5K. I always go back to running first when I need to get in better shape. (Because I know I’ve let my fitness slide more than once! Yikes.) And now I’m training for my first marathon! Who would have thought?

Then a couple years ago, I found yoga. I found out that I loved it, and it’s one of my favorite exercises. It’s a fantastic way to center yourself and strengthen your body.

Love my PROlite
Love my PROlite

Finally, a couple months ago, I went to my first Body Pump class. Man, it was tough, but for some reason I loved how I felt after. I finally found a group fitness class I like! And I’m finally seeing muscles! Woo! Even though the class is challenging, I can’t get enough. Now I get so excited to increase my weight on the bar and make it through sets without breaks.

Here are some tips for trying a new class.

5 Tips for Trying Something New |

  1. Think about the type of exercise you’re lacking in your routine. I was missing strength training, so I first took up yoga and then, later, Body Pump.
  2. Check out your local gym’s schedule. Are there any classes on there that you’ve heard of but never tried before? Pick one that fits your schedule and check it out.
  3. Go to at least three classes. The first class is always weird because you’re unfamiliar with how it’s run, the instructor’s style, etc. Three classes gives you enough opportunity to get used to things and see whether you want to continue.
  4. Pick out the positive. If you end up not liking the new class, what were the things you liked the most? Use those positives to pick out the next class. For example, if you find you don’t like Pilates, but you really enjoy the stretching, maybe you can try yoga next.
  5. Remember that no one is judging you. If you’re trying a new class, you might feel uncomfortable. This is totally normal. Take a deep breath and focus on yourself, have fun, and maybe you’ll just find the right class for you.

Tuesdays on the Run

I’m linking up with April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere, Patty from My No-Guilt Life, and Erika from MCM Mama Runs for Tuesdays on the Run! Be sure to visit their blogs and others in the link-up.


Fit Dish Link-Up

This post is also linked up with others for The Fit Dish Link-Up. Thanks to Jill Conyers at, & Jessica Joy at for hosting. Be sure to visit their blogs and others in the link-up.

What’s your new favorite class?

Yoga or Pilates?

How are you doing today?