I’m becoming a morning person . . . weird

This morning I dragged myself out of bed at the crack of dawn to get to the gym for an easy 30-min run. I don’t like running when it’s dark-ish, so I ran on the treadmill. My town has a lovely new rec center with awesome equipment and a great overall vibe. The designers strategically placed equipment so some machines overlook the pool, basketball courts, etc., so my chosen treadmill overlooked the lap pool. It’s totally motivating to watch swimmers and imagine myself rocking the swim during my triathlon.

Tomorrow I’m planning on waking up early again. This is coming from a person who wakes up literally 10 minutes before she needs to leave the house in the morning. I guess I just love getting my workout over with in the morning before work. Sure, I’m a little more tired during the day, but it’s nothing compared to how exhausted I am at 5:00 p.m., staring a 3- or 4-mile run in the face. Anyway, the class of choice in the morning is spin. I’m a little nervous since it’s new for me–but mainly I’m not looking forward to the sore booty. It’ll be a great workout, though. And then after work, I’ll be heading to yoga–which I’m not too tired to do since it’s a slower-paced workout.

In other news, I’m actually going to try to plan my meals this week. Crazy if you know me at all. I’m not what you can call terribly organized at anything other than work tasks. Tonight’s menu is chicken burritos, Cafe Rio style. Tomorrow? No idea. 😉 Wait! Pizza (sort of like this with caramelized onions, arugula, pesto, and mushrooms).

Have you ever tried spin?

What’s your favorite type of pizza?


Yeah, I’m a machine

I’m having one of those days when I keep trying to write something, but nothing sounds good. Not like I should care that it does, but whatever.

themoreyoudream-MPThis past week of workouts was great and very varied (ha!). I ran, rode the spin bike, and did some yoga. It was just great. I’m loving cross training right now! And, oddly enough, I’m not stressed out about my half marathon in 6 short weeks. I’ve magically changed my outlook and care more about my overall health and long-term fitness goals. So that means that, though I care about the race and I plan on doing well, I’m thinking about the long term. It sure does help to change perspective sometimes.

In other news, I ran a 5k on Saturday, and I plan on recapping it soon, but, dare I say it, it was easy (which probably means I could have run faster). AND I ran 3 more miles later in the day to get my mileage in. Fantastic.

To sum up,  I’m a workout machine . . . and I love it! New activity for the week: swimming!


What are your favorite cross training activities?

So tired . . .

This week I had every intent to work out every day–but I didn’t. I went to the gym on Monday and Tuesday, but I haven’t gone since. Tonight I have 30-day Shred on tap so I can feel like I accomplished something today, and tomorrow I am supposed to run 5? miles. We’ll see how it goes. The weird thing is that I’m motivated, but I’ve been so darn tired this week that I haven’t wanted to do anything. And work was so incredibly boring this week. Sigh. Well, maybe I’ll go eat some brownies. Just kidding. But seriously . . .


p.s. Sorry to those who won my giveaway a couple months ago. I’ll be getting your stuff in the mail as soon as I can.

p.p.s I have some mega-awesome gear I’ll be reviewing soon. I know you’re on the edge of your seat . . .