I’ve been so busy at work lately that I haven’t had time/desire/energy to write. Sorry, guys! I’d say that I’ll do better, but only time will tell. I can tell you, though, that I love resting. 🙂 I was really hurting after my last half marathon (yes, I’ll get around to posting a recap), so I’ve basically taken a month off running, besides the 5k Color Run I did a couple weeks ago.
Have I also mentioned how much I love yoga? Yes? Well, I have to tell you again: I love it. 🙂 I love how great I feel after a practice. I feel strong and flexible, and I have better posture. It’s definitely awesome for someone with a desk job. Give it a try. I’ve posted a few videos for you (here and here) so you have a jumping-off point. And, if you do have a desk job, you can even do it at work! Here’s a great yoga sequence you can do at your desk (click on the picture or click here for more information). Don’t forget to breathe!

Anyway, look for more posts from me–and a review of some great socks–coming soon!