Hold On to the Holidays

This week has been extremely busy for me, so sorry for the lack of content here on the bloggity. Also sorry if this post seems a little disjointed/doesn’t make sense. I only slept for like 4 hours last night, from 12:30 to 4:30, friends. Good times. 🙂

Now, I don’t know about you, but sometimes I wish I could be a little kid with boundless energy and excitement–especially during the Christmas season. I love Christmas and all the holiday hoopla, but this year the holidays have snuck up on me and are threatening to pass me by. It doesn’t help that I’m not in college anymore and don’t get 3 weeks off for Christmas break. Sigh.

I have some tips below (in no particular order) to help us all dive deeper into this wonderful season. Feel free to add some of your own.

  1. Drink lots of hot chocolate. I love this idea, and it’s really helped me get into the holiday spirit. The peppermint kind is especially delicious.
  2. Sign up for a holiday race. I didn’t run a turkey trot or Santa dash this year, but I think it would be super fun to dress up in holiday garb and soak in the race atmosphere.
  3. Serve others. There are a ton of opportunities to serve year round, but there are many more around the holidays. Adopt an angel tree child, volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate to various charities, or bake cookies for a neighbor.
  4. See neighborhood lights. This is one of my favorites. The child inside me will always love the wonder of Christmas lights. They’re so magical. (You could also grab a buddy and run around your neighborhood when it’s getting dark or before the sun rises.)
  5. Watch Christmas movies. Christmas Vacation, A Muppet Christmas Carol, White Christmas, A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, and The Christmas Story are all classics. I also love Serendipity, While You Were Sleeping, and The Holiday. (Not ashamed to admit I love chick flicks–in moderation of course.)

Well, that’s all I have for now. Stay tuned tomorrow for an awesome giveaway (for real).

Oh, and here’s a holiday kitten:


What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?


Fun Christmas Questions–and Some Giveaways

I originally found these questions on Janae’s blog (The Hungry Runner Girl). I thought they were fun, so I decided to post them here. Enjoy! Feel free to answer these questions on your own blog but make sure to link back here and to Janae’s blog. Thanks!

1.  Favorite Christmas Album/CD/Song?

I don’t have a favorite Christmas CD, but I love the classics (“O Holy Night,” “Silent Night,” etc.). My favorite Christmas song is “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”

2.  Run on Christmas morning or take the day off?

I haven’t ever run on Christmas morning, but I don’t think I’d be opposed to it. I’ll see if I can get the Engineer to run with me!

See? We do run together sometimes!

3.  What do you usually eat on Christmas morning?

My dad always used to make French toast, and it’s my favorite. The past few years, we’ve done eggs, pancakes, bacon, etc., but I reeeally want to always have French toast!

4.  Favorite holiday or Christmas tradition?

We always go to a movie on Christmas Day. I just love doing that. We also watch the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol sometime during December.

5.  Real tree, fake tree or no tree?

Fake tree. I’ve never had a real one because my mom was always allergic. Maybe we’ll try a real one sometime, though.

6.  Christmas pajamas… yea or nay?

Absolutely! I love them.

7.  Where do you spend the holidays?  Your own house, your parents’ house, extended family, in-laws, friends?

My in-laws’ house for the past few years. We’ve also gone to my parents’, but they live far away.

8.  Food that you always have during the holiday season?  Favorite Christmas food/treat?

Cheese ball with crackers!

9. Open presents all at once or take turns?  Stockings… yes or no?

Take turns, and jingle stockings all the way.

10.  Favorite Christmas(ish) movie?

Muppet Christmas Carol!

 FYI–Some cool giveaways:

Check out these giveaways–and more important, check out these lovely ladies’ blogs.

Hope everyone’s week is going well so far!