I really haven’t fallen off the face of the earth . . . so I thought I would show the rest of the year’s races in pictures. And since I don’t want to think about all the Christmas stuff I haven’t done yet, this is a nice distraction for me!
On July 4th, I ran the Freedom Run 10k. It was a pretty good race. I wasn’t really well trained but had fun with my friend Claire! We ran at a comfortable pace and chatted the whole way. Good times.

The following weekend, I ran my first trail race–a 10k in Park City! It was a gorgeous race on a clear day. I ended up twisting my ankle twice, but I still had fun! And I ran with my friend Claire again. Good times!

At the end of August, my sister and I celebrated our birthdays by heading to Disneyland to run the Disneyland 10k. It was so much fun, and I’m totally running more runDisney races! The weekend was great; we spent a day in each park and then ran the race. My sister did great! I twisted my ankle (again) two weeks before (stupid pothole) and didn’t do as well as I wanted, but that helped me to slow down and enjoy the race!

Well, there you have it–all my races since July. You can check out my race times on my “Races” page.

Stay tuned for more awesome content!