Strike a [Yoga] Pose: Downward-Facing Dog

In honor of my awesome adaptive/gentle/restorative yoga class that I’ll be taking today, I thought I’d shine a spotlight on everyone’s favorite pose, downward-facing dog (Sanskrit: Adho Mukha Svanasana). No matter what type of yoga class you take (or if you practice at home), you will run into this resting posture. Yes, it really is a resting posture, even though at first it seems like the hardest pose ever! Thankfully it does get easier as strength improves.

I really like this pose because you can modify it in several different ways, like deeply bending your knees or placing your knees on the mat for puppy pose, for example. You can also further work on your strength by placing both forearms on the ground for dolphin pose, or raise a leg for one-legged downward-facing dog (Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana).

Strike a Yoga Pose: Downward-Facing Dog |
Getting better at the One-Legged Variation


According to Yoga Journal, this asana has quite a few benefits, from being energizing to improving digestion. I have a Kino MacGregor video that shows how to do this foundational pose.

Other Resources about Bridge/Wheel Pose

Which variation of Downward-Facing Dog do you like best? #Yoga via @frenchfryrunner Share on X

Other “Strike a [Yoga] Pose” Posts

Does downward-facing dog make you feel energized?

Do you prefer to modify this pose? How?


This post is linked up for Wild Workout Wednesday with Annmarie at The Fit Foodie Mama, Angelena Marie from  Angelena Marie: Happy, Healthy & Balanced, Upala at Pretty in Pink Fitness, and Amber at Bold Fit Mom

Strike a {Yoga} Pose: Bridge Pose

You might be reading this as I’m panicking through the sign-up process for the Dumbo Double Dare. Wish me luck!

We’ve been doing a lot of bridge pose in my yoga classes lately. Personally, I love bridge pose (Sanskrit: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana). It makes me feel somewhat flexible. 🙂 You can also do a full back bend (Wheel Pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana) as a variation of bridge–after warming up, of course, and if it’s in your practice. Remember, do not force yourself into any poses. Specifically, if it hurts, come out of the pose.

Strike a [Yoga] Pose: Bridge Pose

According to Yoga Journal, this asana has quite a few benefits, from alleviating menstrual cramps to improving digestion. Here’s a great video that shows you how to do the bridge pose. Enjoy!

Bridge Pose | Yoga With Adriene from Yoga With Adriene on YouTube.

Other Resources about Bridge/Wheel Pose

Other “Strike a [Yoga] Pose” Posts

p.s. I love Adriene’s “Foundations of Yoga” series on her blog. Check it out!


Is Bridge Pose in your practice? How about Wheel Pose?

What’s Your Favorite yoga pose?


Fit Dish Link-Up

This post is linked up with others for The Fit Dish Link-Up. Thanks to Jill Conyers at, & Jessica Joy at for hosting. Be sure to visit their blogs and others in the link-up.

What Is This “Running” You Speak Of?

Yes, it’s true. I barely remember what running is anymore. I haven’t run for about 3 weeks–and then only like 5 times in the month before that. Don’t worry (not like you would); I’m not breaking up with running. 🙂 But I am working on strength training. With all the problems with my feet, I decided to ease back into running since my last half marathon. Actually, my first soiree with running after all this time is tomorrow. I think I’ll run about 2 miles and then slowly increase my mileage and time from there. I just really don’t want to hurt myself again.

I have been consistently doing yoga, though, and I’m feeling increased strength and flexibility. And my arms are actually toning up. I’m stoked about that.  I think it’s all the downward-facing dogs we do in my yoga class. Funny how that pose used to be so hard for me, and now it’s a rest pose. 🙂 I love seeing improvement! Here’s a great video on how to do downward-facing dog correctly:

From Yoga with Adriene (YouTube channel)