Last Saturday, I ran the Moab Winter Sun 10k in Moab, Utah. It was a great race and an automatic PR for me since it was the first time I had run a 10k. Cool stuff. Let’s start from the beginning . . .

We (my coworkers and I–the Blister Sisters) left around 2:45 on Friday afternoon and made our way to Moab (about 3 hours away). We picked up our packets and went out for some pizza after we got there and had fun eating and talking.
After dinner, we went to a grocery store to grab some chocolate (and Gatorade for me). We then checked into the (super nice) hotel where we stayed the night. The room we stayed in was a 3-queen room, so all 6 of us were able stay in the same room. We stayed up watching Dark Knight and talking until like 11:00. It’s fun to hang out outside of work–especially when you’re friends with the people you work with!
We woke up and had an awesome breakfast provided by the hotel. It was delicious! I had 2 slices of wheat toast with butter and honey, a bit of biscuits and gravy, some juice, and hot chocolate.
Then we all got ready for the race and headed to the shuttles. It was cool outside, not too cold or hot. We hung out at the race start, which was really well organized with fire barrels, water, and hot drinks. Before we knew it, we were ushered to the start line. The race started promptly at 10:00, which was great. I ran with one of my BRFs, who runs about the same speed as I do. She was totally awesome to run with.
The race started with a few rollers before a huge hill at mile 2. We plowed up that thing and slowed down to catch our breath. After that, the race was alternating flat and downhill, which was nice and didn’t tear up my quads too much. We ran through some neighborhoods and through some pretty red rock, and we finished at the local high school track. I felt like dying at mile 5.5–and swore I wouldn’t sprint at the end–but I pushed forward and ended up sprinting anyway at the end to pass a girl we had been leapfrogging with a lot of the race. The food at the end was awesome (unlike the crap we had at the Halloween Half) and well thought out (as in chocolate milk, Gatorade, fruit, and PB&J sandwich quarters. They also had a nice raffle for local stores and stuff (great for the locals).

All in all, it was a great race, and as long as I’m still in the area next year, I’m totally running it again.

Official Gun Time: 1:01:36
What’s your favorite race?
(Stay tuned to the for some awesome giveaways in the next little while! I’m thinking 3 would be great, right?)
Oh! AND Handful Bra is having a closeout sale on their size large Original Handful Bra (ONLY $12!). I just bought one, and I can’t wait to try it and review it for you!