What’s really wrong with me

So, I went to the doctor last Thursday for a follow up. The verdict isn’t as “cool” as I thought it would be. My legs are different lengths, but the difference is so negligible that it’s not the culprit of my problems. From what I can discern, my problems lie in an excess of scar tissue around my tendons in my ankle and both sides of my left calf. To fix this, we’re doing some ASTYM:

The ASTYM System is the form of augmented soft tissue mobilization (ASTM) that allows the clinician to stimulate the body’s own capacity for healing in patients with soft tissue degeneration or fibrosis and chronic inflammation. This leading edge, non-invasive treatment is performed with ergonomically designed instruments that initiate the healing process necessary for tissue remodeling.


Some ASTYM bruising

Basically my PT, who is awesome, by the way, uses some tools to stimulate inflammation in my muscles to get them to heal normally and break up all that scar tissue. Pretty cool, eh? I had my first treatment today, and it hurt a little, but I’m sure it will help. And the good news is that I get to resume running this week if I slow down or stop if I feel pain. I’m overjoyed, really. Maybe I’ll knock out about 3 tomorrow. I know I won’t be in the best shape for the half in a month, but I’d rather be able to run it and walk some than not run at all. Wouldn’t you agree?


Two Truths and a Lie

  1. I’m a neat freak.
  2. One of my legs is longer than the other.
  3. I desperately want a cat.

The lie is #1. I’m definitely not a neat freak, though I’m completely different at work than I am at home. My desk has to be organized, otherwise I can’t take it. I’m more flexible at home. I really do want a cat of my very own. (I can’t have one because we live in a place that won’t allow pets.)

Not my legs. They’re too tan. Source.

Anyway, the other truth up there manifested itself today, when I went to the doctor. After some X-rays that ruled out a fracture, I found out that one of my legs is longer than the other–at least that’s what the doctor thinks. And this is helpful to know because it might be the cause of my many ailments with my left foot–the strains, sprains, pains, and so on. So, I hope it’s an easy fix because I really want to be able to run my half marathon in 5 and a half weeks. At this point, I’ll hopefully be able to run/walk it.

Also, we made barbecue chicken pizza tonight that was probably the best I’ve ever made (and I forgot to take a picture of it because I’m a bad newbie blogger). I made homemade crust and used fresh ingredients–except for the barbecue sauce. FYI: The best thing you can put on a barbecue chicken pizza is cilantro. Try it. It will change your life . . . well, at least it will enhance your pizza. 🙂

AND I’m really excited for a few packages coming my way from PRO Compression, Road ID, and Running Warehouse. I’ll try them out and write a review soon.

Do any of you have one leg longer than the other? How do you deal with it when you run? An orthotic?

What’s your favorite type of pizza?

p.s. Here’s a coupon code for $1 off at RoadID.com: ThanksWhitney18322813. And right now, you can get $20 off calf sleeves at PROCompression.com; just enter the code SLEEVES at checkout.

I’m a Ninja Turtle

I was at the gym a couple weeks ago, plugging away on the treadmill at an easy pace, and guys kept jumping on the machines on both sides of me–might I mention that there were about 10 other empty treadmills nowhere near me?)–and running 5- and 6-minute miles. I hope they felt good about themselves. 🙂

I signed up for a Halloween half marathon this year, and quite honestly, I’m terrified yet excited to be running that far. I’ve been loosely following a training plan, which seems to be working out well. My long runs are up to seven miles–a distance that I never thought I could run.


But . . .

I only ran 2 miles today when I was supposed to run 8. Why? Well, I think I might have another injury in my foot–even though I’ve been increasing my mileage by only 5-10% each week leading up the Halloween Half. My foot started feeling a little wonky in August, but I have just run through any discomfort. And I didn’t feel “pain” per se until last week’s seven-mile run. Sigh. I’m hoping that a couple weeks off of running will help my feet recover and that I’ll at least be able to finish the race. We’ll see. I’m still looking forward to the race though because I’m going to dress up as Donatello!!  Super excited to be going as my favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!