Gettin’ My Om On


Can I just tell you how much I love yoga? If any of you follow my on Twitter or on Pinterest, I’m sure you sensed a theme. Well, it’s no surprise to me that I’m not terribly flexible and can’t do most of the harder poses, but I’m addicted. Yoga for me–even at 6 in the morning–brings some level of serenity and strength to my life. It’s great. Running brings those things with it too at some level, but there’s something about the noncompetitive nature of yoga that appeals to me. And of course it will help with my running. And my goal to keep from getting injured this year.

In other news, I’m still running and have started my training for my first half marathon of the year, which is in April. It’ll be great, seeing as I just want to run for fun. I’ve also started the #plankaday challenge on Twitter. So good!

I also have a 5K next weekend, which should be fun. I’m running with my Blister Sisters! Go us! We rock!

Also, if you noticed, I’m now a Sweat Pink Ambassador! I’ll fill you in soon on what that entails. And I have a fun giveaway coming up! So much awesome. Phew.

So much news!

So if you’re thinking about trying yoga, do it! It’s awesome.


Thoughtful Thursday

Sometimes it’s too easy to dwell on our past mistakes or regrets, but if we do that–if we continue to look behind us–we won’t see the wonderful opportunities that await us or our potential. If we look forward and focus on the things we can control, we will be happier, have a healthier attitude, and be more likely to accomplish our goals.

Have a Nice Trip

Last week’s workouts: Pilates on Monday, and running on Tuesday and Saturday.

So I went running on Saturday at the gym. Since the gym is free for students (and student spouses), I got to run in a packed house. I’m talking lines for the treadmills and not a free elliptical in sight. Even the stair climbers were full–you get the picture. Because of this, I’ve decided to suck it up and go during the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, so I’m on the treadmill, and I trip. No big deal; just recover and keep going. Then I did it again. And again. And again. It’s like I’d never run on a treadmill before. I mean, I sometimes a trip when I go running (who doesn’t?), but this was pretty ridiculous. So that and a general feeling of crappiness and claustrophobia made my run kind of suck. Oh, well. It’ll be better next time.

Tomorrow I’m waking up ridiculously early for a workout. Nothing like getting my sweat on before work. Maybe this time I won’t trip.