Journaling, Running, and More Yoga

I used to love writing in my journal. I probably have a half-dozen filled journals–most of them from the drama that was high school. It’s always interesting to me to go back and remember the good ol’ days. (“I heart so-and-so!”; “Being a teenager’s hard!”)

Anyway, I’m telling you this because I’ve started writing down my workouts in a lovely little number from Walmart. It’s really awesome to go through it and see everything that I’ve been doing to stay  active, and it makes me just feel good about myself. I’d you don’t keep a journal or a log or anything of your workouts, I totally recommend it.

So, according to my journal last week, here are my stats:

  • Monday: 55-minute yoga class; 10 minutes bedtime yoga stretches
  • Tuesday: 2.2 miles, comfortably; 15 minutes yoga before bed (here’s a great sequence); 2:05 plank for #plankaday
  • Wednesday: 45-minute yoga class (normally 55, but our instructor was late)
  • Thursday: 2 miles, hardish pace with some pickups; short yoga practice after running to stretch; 2:10 plank.
  •  Friday: Some stretching; 2:15 plank
  • Saturday: 5.17-mile long run

And there you go, my week of workouts. Good stuff, eh? Did I tell you how much I’m loving yoga? Try it. And if you don’t know where to start, check out This site has hundreds of free HD yoga videos available to stream to your computer or other device. Totally awesome and very well done.

Have a Nice Trip

Last week’s workouts: Pilates on Monday, and running on Tuesday and Saturday.

So I went running on Saturday at the gym. Since the gym is free for students (and student spouses), I got to run in a packed house. I’m talking lines for the treadmills and not a free elliptical in sight. Even the stair climbers were full–you get the picture. Because of this, I’ve decided to suck it up and go during the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, so I’m on the treadmill, and I trip. No big deal; just recover and keep going. Then I did it again. And again. And again. It’s like I’d never run on a treadmill before. I mean, I sometimes a trip when I go running (who doesn’t?), but this was pretty ridiculous. So that and a general feeling of crappiness and claustrophobia made my run kind of suck. Oh, well. It’ll be better next time.

Tomorrow I’m waking up ridiculously early for a workout. Nothing like getting my sweat on before work. Maybe this time I won’t trip.

Weekly Recap 12/4-12/8

Nada. Nope. Zilch.

And I’m not really proud of that. I did go to physical therapy on Monday, though, which was fine. So I guess I can say I exercised once this past week. I was still a little sore on Monday and Tuesday from the Winter Sun 10k, so it was kind of okay that I took those days off (right?), but I really don’t have an excuse for Thursday other than I had to work on projects at my job. And it was really, really cold on Saturday (and windy), and I didn’t wake up early enough, and . . . and . . . Okay, well, what’s done is done, and I’ll recommit myself this week. My goal is 3 workouts of varying distances. I might even suck it up and run outside in the cold (or go where it’s warmer–the treadmill at the gym). I might also even suck it up and run before work (gotta love 6:00 a.m. workouts).

In better news, however, I found some killer deals at TJMaxx on Saturday. I found two Lucy jackets (okay, same jacket in two colors) for $22 each, and some Nike Running skapris for only $20. Yeah, it was awesome. I told the Engineer they were some Christmas presents from him. Tell me you do that too!

What are the best deals you’ve seen this holiday season?