This is super cool! I love running!
Author: Whitney
Sorry I haven’t written in a few days. It’s been crazy at work! I’m an editor, and this was a books-to-press week, so it’s been really stressful. AND it’s really hard to get motivated to get on my personal computer when I’ve just spent 8 to 10 hours on mine at work. Oh well. Things should get better soon.
In other news . . . I ran NINE miles today, which is officially the longest I’ve ever run. I feel really tired now, but I’m glad I did it. And I ran 6 with one of my friends/coworkers, which was awesome. Another coworker/friend joined us at around 3. I love running with people. It makes the time fly. This run brings my weekly total to 12 miles. I’ll probably run 4 this weekend and round it out at 15. Hmm . . . maybe I won’t die during my half marathon. Only 16 days. Eek.
Feelin’ good
I’m pleased to report that I had another nearly pain-free run tonight! I ran 4 miles, and my foot was only a little sore. Unfortunately, my hip started to hurt. I think it’s all of this overcompensating that’s been going on. Oh well. I have PT tomorrow, bright and early–7:30 a.m. It’s worth it, though, if I can run the half with minimal pain. We’ll see about that.
Oh, and I’m incredibly glad it’s Friday tomorrow! It’s been a long week. This weekend’s looking great. We’re heading to visit family a couple towns over for the weekend. Nothing like relaxing for the weekend–after an 8-mile run on Saturday. We’ll see how that goes/if I can do it without hurting so much.
Next week’s looking crazy. I have press deadlines (I’m an editor for a publishing company) and a TON of work left to do to meet them! Such is life, I guess.
Hope everyone has a great Friday!