I’m really excited to review my PRO Compression Marathon socks (size S/M), which I’ve had for a month or so. I used a coupon code to get 40% off with free shipping (they do deals like this a lot) and only paid $30 for them. Since compression socks can cost $50 or more normally, this was a great deal. (See below for a coupon code.) They arrived within a decent amount of time after I ordered them. I was really excited to rip the package open because I’ve been reading about compression and how it benefits recovery and even performance. Well, and I’ll be honest . . . Some of my favorite running bloggers wear them and have promoted them There. I admitted it. Feels good to get that out in the open.
Let’s move on . . .
The first thing I noticed about the socks was that they are so green. PRO Compression offers a lot of different colors, including purple and three different argyles. I thought I’d go for one of the more outrageous colors, and I was pleasantly surprised that they were the same color “in person” as they were online. I love when stuff you order online is exactly the same when you open the box. They were pretty easy to get on, and I didn’t have any bunching issues that I’ve heard other runners have. They were perfectly “squeezy”–not too tight at all–and they were a little thin. I don’t like socks that are too thick, so they were perfect. I’ve worn them both running and for recovery.
A summary of the company:
PRO Compression was born of a runner/golfer’s desire to introduce superior compression socks to ALL outdoor athletes and everyday people. For some time, runners and triathletes have been on the forefront of compression gear. However, runners and triathletes are not the only athletes who experience fatigue and weary legs which leads to a lack of focus and concentration. From marathoners to golfers to factory workers, PRO Compression socks are designed to make you better!
So, what does “compression” mean? Well, rather than trying to explain it myself, there’s a great summary of compression research at The Science of Running.
I think I might like the socks better for recovery, but that’s what I’ve used them more for. I wore them on one of my longer runs (about 7 or so miles) and felt a hot spot developing on my forefoot between my toes. I’ve had this happen with more than just these socks, so it’s not anything about the sock, I’m sure, that caused the spot. Maybe I’m just more of a forefoot runner. I haven’t worn them on other runs since then, so I’ll have to wear them again and update you all.

As for recovery, I really believe that they’ve helped my calves recover more quickly, especially after my half marathon. I wore them for several hours right after that race and the next day, and my calves and feet (besides the normal my foot-is-actually-injured feeling) felt great. My quads were a different story. I have to take an ice bath next time. Anyway, I really think they made a difference in my recovery time.
Pros: Color options, great for recovery, perfect amount of “squeeziness,” perfect length for my height (5′ 8.5″), no bunching or rubbing anywhere but on my forefoot (probably not because of the socks)
Cons: Rubbing on the bottom of my foot. No blister but a hot spot. Some people might want “squeezier” or thicker socks. Some runners have had issues with bunching or having to roll them down a little.
Bottom line: I love PRO Compression for recovery and hope to get more pairs soon as I start to ramp up my mileage for my next half marathon training cycle.
Coupon Code
Enter SOM12 at checkout to get 40% off and free shipping . . .
Enter FIT40 at checkout to get 40% off and free shipping until December 15. Thanks Gene from Run for It!