Thoughtful Thursday

PicsArt_1361659138624I’ve been in a running/yoga rut lately. It’s hard for me to stay motivated when I really haven’t wanted to exercise or do anything for that matter because of a ton of stress at work. But this quote reminds me that it’s my choice to work out or not. I’m accountable for my choices. If I don’t exercise, then I won’t receive any benefits of doing so–but if I do, then I can reap the rewards.

So, help me out. What are some things you do to stay motivated?


Thoughtful Thursday

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It’s really hard not to compare ourselves with others, but if we focus on the things that make us who we are and embrace our uniqueness, we can work on becoming better. As Pink Floyd says, “Shine on, you crazy diamond.” Be you because no one can do that as well as you can.

What is something unique about you? Or what’s something that makes you awesome?