Three Things Thursday

  1. I ate the most amazing pumpkin roll tonight. It was so good that I’m definitely going to make it for part of Thanksgiving dinner/dessert. Seriously SO. GOOD.
  2. I ran 5 miles yesterday, and let me tell you: it’s getting cold. The run was at a pretty good pace–I think because I didn’t want to freeze.  I’m hoping to not go into hibernation mode during the winter, though. I have races to look forward to–such as the Winter Sun 10K and the St. George Half Marathon (which I’m still on the fence about). I haven’t even run the half but am already planning my next races. It’s exciting to see that I’m improving, which is motivating me to sign up for more races. I can’t wait to get completely healthy again so I can push myself more. More awesomeness is in my future! Did I mention that I love running?
  3. This video is so good and really gets you thinking about your health/habits:

Source: There’s also more great info about health and nutrition on the Center for Science in the Public Interest website.

Wasn’t that good/sad? I don’t generally drink a lot of soda, but now I think I’ll cut back even more–even though I knew most of these risks before.

Half marathon in 9 days (8 if you count the day of the race, which I just might since I have to wake up at like 5:oo a.m.). Getting more nervous!

Do you drink a lot of soda? 


Saturdays are fun!

Great run on a gorgeous Saturday!

Well, at least this past Saturday was. Not only did I get to run 4 fast (for me) miles, but we also gathered up a bunch of stuff to take to our local donation center. Running and organizing for the win!

Anyway, about the run . . . My foot is feeling so much better than it did at the beginning of this injury that I was able to push the pace. My foot, of course, let me know it’s still healing, but I’ve recovered, and it feels great (not 100% but getting there). Did I mention that it was gorgeous outside on Saturday morning? Well, it was. It was nice and cool and a little cloudy–perfect running weather. I’m so excited for fall running–even though it’s going to start getting really cold in my neck of the woods.

Look! Snow!

AND my half marathon is in TWELVE days! Getting more nervous! One 10-miler to go and then less running next week to gear up for the race. Oh, and I should probably get to work on my tubular TMNT costume. And, yes, I will post pictures.

Do you like fall running? Running any costume races?



Sorry I haven’t written in a few days. It’s been crazy at work! I’m an editor, and this was a books-to-press week, so it’s been really stressful. AND it’s really hard to get motivated to get on my personal computer when I’ve just spent 8 to 10 hours on mine at work. Oh well. Things should get better soon.

In other news . . . I ran NINE miles today, which is officially the longest I’ve ever run. I feel really tired now, but  I’m glad I did it. And I ran 6 with one of my friends/coworkers, which was awesome. Another coworker/friend joined us at around 3. I love running with people. It makes the time fly. This run brings my weekly total to 12 miles. I’ll probably run 4 this weekend and round it out at 15. Hmm . . . maybe I won’t die during my half marathon. Only 16 days. Eek.