I came across Pile on the Miles (POTM) on Monica’s blog, Run Eat Repeat. Basically, it’s a way to keep motivated to pile on the miles instead of the pounds during this holiday season when yummy treats and delicious food abound. I decided to set a goal of 50 miles for the challenge, which goes from November 1 (today) to December 1.
So to get myself started (and to see how my legs feel after my first half) on POTM, I ran 2.5 miles today at a pretty comfortable pace. There were a couple of hills, but they weren’t too bad. I was able to run with a couple of girls from work, who are pretty awesome. (We’re all running a 10k together on December 1–which should be really fun.) Anyway, my legs felt pretty good the whole time, just a bit of tightness in my IT bands. I’m going to the PT tomorrow, so we can see how my plantar fasciitis is doing/what the next steps are. I’m really pleased that I’ve been able to run through the injury and that ASTYM is working so well. I’m a believer.
In other news, I have a couple of cool giveaways for ya (that aren’t hosted by me). SkinnyRunner is hosting a Oakley sunglasses giveaway, and Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice is giving away a full Puma outfit.
Know of any other cool giveaways? Link up here!