Friday was the day that the horrible shooting happened in Newtown, Connecticut. I can’t even fathom how something so terrible could happen to such innocent and sweet children. My thoughts and prayers are with the parents and families going through this trial during what is supposed to be a time of year filled with wonder, excitement, and happiness. To my nieces and nephews, I love you all.
Author: Whitney
Much better . . .
So this week I’ve already run twice! That’s progress! I’m hoping to run more as I build up into another half marathon training cycle. I don’t know which one to follow. I more or less used one I found on Fitsugar for my last one, but I got injured and had to take two weeks off in the middle of it. I really want to see how I do when I complete a training plan healthy!
Anyway, my two runs were great! I ran 3.39 miles on Tuesday on the treadmill, and I purposely made the workout hard–which was totally fun! I’m glad that you all understand where I’m coming from, enjoying a hard workout. I ran the first mile comfortably and then increased my speed until I was sprinting, then I slowed waaay down to recover and sped up and slowed down for the last mile. And I just did the normal treadmill cool-down. Good stuff.

Last night, I took it a little easier and pushed myself at the end. Then I did some leg extensions–which were hard after running for sure. My quads were burning. Unfortunately so is my foot . . . again. Not fun, but what can you do? I guess I’ll have to do more low-impact exercise until it clears up again. Sigh.
In other news, it’s Friday! I’m thrilled to be done with the workweek. It’s been pretty intense (again). I’m going to see The Hobbit tomorrow (my inner nerd is overjoyed). I hope it’s good. Anyone seen it yet?
Can you believe that it’s less than two weeks till Christmas? Where does the time go? I really don’t know. I’m looking forward to some days off to relax with the Engineer and the fam. It’ll be fun! Nothing beats eating good food and hanging out with the best people ever.
What are your plans for Christmas?
Thoughtful Thursday
We all have the potential to be great, but we must dig deep and find out who we really are. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the past and even the present, but we must forge ahead with our goals that almost seem impossible–until we are on the other end of them, looking back to see how far we’ve come. And then we must again forge forward with a new challenge in sight and new determination to unlock another piece of our greatness.