My First Trip to Germany (Part 1)

Okay, so this post is a long time coming. Some of my friends and family will be pleased they actually get to see pictures. 🙂 Back in November 2014, I was able to meet my husband in Germany for the last three weeks of an “externship” he had with a German satellite company. Es war fantastisch! (It was fantastic!)

Germany Part One -


We were able to visit so many awesome places–and my German language skills actually came in handy (I’m not fluent by any stretch, but I can get by). We went to Berlin, Munich, Heidelberg, Mainz (my favorite), Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Dachau, Dieburg, and Darmstadt, which was our home base and where my husband worked.

First Germany Trip |
Getting ready to take off–or I just landed. No idea


To try and postpone any jet lag, we went into Frankfurt after my flight to Germany. (The flight actually was great; I slept a little but had the whole row to myself, and they had awesome movies to watch.) We walked around the city and went to a cathedral that had been rebuilt on the inside. The outside was really impressive, though. We also walked by the Main River (pronounced like “mine”), which separated the “big city” from the quaint row homes. I loved it!

Frankfurt 2014 |
The first place we visited in Frankfurt! So cool!

And we also got a bagel and drinks at a big shopping mall. All in all, it was a great start to a great trip. We visited Frankfurt again later in our trip when we went to the Frankfurt Weihnachtsmarkt–a lovely, lovely festival.

Frankfurt 2014 |
Frankfurt’s Weihnachtsmarkt . . . Eating Delicious chocolate-covered fruit


Known as the city of science, Darmstadt is a quaint medium-sized town. We stayed in a long-term hotel, kind of like a Residence Inn, but older and . . . German–dark woods, plaster walls, and German TV. Breakfast was provided in the hotel’s “normal” annex and was scrumptious. I could totally eat meat, bread, and cheese every day for breakfast. We also enjoyed an assortment of jams, sausages, muesli, quark, and other treats–YUM!

Darmstadt 2014 |

While in Darmstadt, we enjoyed museums, markets, and the town square, which happened to be decorated for Christmas and was the location of a little Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas Market). We took the bus–which was always prompt–everywhere we needed to go. German transportation is a whole lot more reliable that what we’re used to, but of course I welcomed that fact. Even though one time I was yelled at by an angry bus driver. Good times.

Darmstadt's Weihnachtsmarkt |
Darmstadt’s Christmas market

Since Darmstadt was our home base, I got acquainted with the different delicious foods and shops in that marvelous little town. My favorite food I tried–and which I haven’t been able to find in it’s purest form–is Döner, or Döner Kebap. SO STINKING DELICIOUS. Think of a gyro and double the deliciousness. I feel sorry for you if you don’t like gyros by the way…

Delicious! (source)

My favorite way to eat Döner is in pizza form… I don’t have any pictures of the pizza I ate, just the restaurant we went to. My mouth is watering just thinking about it…

Darmstadt 2014 |
Döner PIZZA!!!

Anyway, add pretzels (Brezeln), Spätzle, and the best sausages in the world to the mix, and you’ve got an idea of what I enjoyed on my trip, not only in Darmstadt but in Berlin, Munich, Nuremberg, and Heidelberg. YUM!

I sure am talking a lot about food… Such is who I am. 🙂

Stay tuned for Part 2 of my German adventure coming soon.

Ever been to Germany? Follow my travels! #traveler #eatadöner Share on X

Bis spaeter!

Have you ever been to Germany? What’s your favorite German food?

Author: Whitney

Runner. Cook. Editor. Blogger. French Fry Connoiseur.

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