I’ve always loved stationery. I have boxes of note cards, and I make almost all the cards I give away. But honestly I’ve never seen or made a card good enough to give to my running friends–until now. I was perusing Etsy before the holidays and came across the wonderful cards from asphalt + me = peace. Isn’t that a great shop name? So true too. I contacted the shop owner, Melissa, and she graciously sent me a bunch of cards to review. I love them all, but here are a few of my favorites:

Aren’t they awesome? Not only does this shop have great products–with fantastic photos, high-quality card stock, and cute messages–but the customer service and shipping were awesome!
From the shop description:
Whether you are an elite, a mid-packer, or a runner who tries to avoid the back-of-the-pack bus . . . we are here to celebrate the trials and triumphs of RUNNING!
asphalt + me = peace offers a unique line of greeting cards with sentiments written by runners for runners. For those who run, those who want to run, or those who support a runner, we aim to encourage and inspire!
Celebrate the humor and humility of running by sharing a greeting card today!
Hands down, asphalt + me = peace is a great shop, and you should check it out!
Now because I love this store and these super great cards–and because Melissa gave me some to give away–I have some packages to share with three of my readers!
- 3 greeting cards and a bumper sticker
- 4 greeting cards and a bumper sticker
- 5 greeting cards, a bumper sticker, and a soft long-sleeve T-shirt (size small)
Enter now! Contest ends March 9, 2013 at 12:00 a.m., mountain standard time. Must be 18 years or older and a US resident. Cards included in packages will be chosen at random (don’t worry–they’re all cute!). Winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter. I will announce the winner on March 11.
DISCLAIMER: Asphalt + me = peace provided me with cards, bumper stickers, and a T-shirt to review and give away. I was not compensated in any other way or encouraged to express a particular opinion. I think all of these products rock and want to share them with you!
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Check out asphalt + me = peace’s website
Check out asphalt + me = peace on Etsy