Thoughtful Thursday

Sorry that I was MIA for last week’s Thoughtful Thursday . . . but here’s a good one to get us all a smidgen more motivated in the new year.


(author unknown)

Sometimes I think we hold ourselves back from being better or achieving our goals. However, if we truly believe we can run the race, write the novel, lose the weight, etc.–and make a plan and take the necessary steps to complete that task–we will do it. Not only that, but we will do it well.

Thoughtful Thursday

We all have the potential to be great, but we must dig deep and find out who we really are. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the past and even the present, but we must forge ahead with our goals that almost seem impossible–until we are on the other end of them, looking back to see how far we’ve come. And then we must again forge forward with a new challenge in sight and new determination to unlock another piece of our greatness.